Ego is the Enemy : The Fight to Master Our Greatest Opponent
4 Hour Work Week
This book serves as a step-by-step guide to live a life of luxury. It teaches the reader how they can outsource their lives to overseas virtual assistants for 5$ per hour and do whatever they want to. There is an explanation about blue-chip escape artists who travel the world without quitting their jobs. Learn to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles used by a forgotten italian economist. Find out how lifestyle design principles can suit unpredictable economic times.
Next Generation Leadership
Employers who refuse to adapt to the expectations of younger generations are losing out on top talent, as they leave for positions at companies with more modern practices. Learn what companies need to do to fit into the new normal in the workplace. Generation y sees the world differently than any other generation in modern memory.and nowhere is this more evident than in the workplace. The astronomical shifts that this generation has seen in the economy, technology, and the world have changed what they want from life and work-which is not a 9-5 existence for forty-plus years
The 80/20 Principle: Achieve More with Less