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Stop Overthinking


23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present

Break free of your self-imposed mental prison. Stop agonizing over the past and trying to predict the future.

Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness and staying in a never-ending thought loop is the biggest cause of unhappiness.

Stop Overthinking is a book that understands the exhausting situation you’ve put yourself in, and how you lose your mind with anxiety and stress. It will walk you through detailed and proven techniques to help rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits.

The book will provide you with scientific approaches to:

-How to be aware of your negative spiral triggers
-Identify and recognize your inner anxieties
– How to keep the focus on relaxation and action
– Proven methods to overcome stress attacks
-Learn to declutter your mind and find focus
– Unleash your unlimited potential and start living

No more self-deprecating talk. No more sleepless nights with racing thoughts. Free your mind from overthinking and achieve more, feel better.

Love Without Limits


Love without limits, nick and kanae tell how they improbably found each other, fell in love, and then fought to overcome skepticism from others about their relationship. Filled with practical insights that will benefit any couple, this inspiring book describes a godly courtship and the early years of the vujicics’ marriage and parenting journey.

Life Without Limits


Born without arms or legs, nick vujicic overcame his disabilities to live an independent, rich, fulfilling, and “ridiculously good” life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, nick eagerly spreads his message: the most important goal is to find your life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in your way.

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