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ඇයට දැනුනේ තමාගේ ගෙල පිටුපසට තද වී ඇති ඔහුගේ අතෙහි උණුහුමය. කෙස් වැටියෙහි ඉසකෙයි ගස් අතරින් රිංගා ඇති ඔහුගෙ ඇඟිලිවල පහසය. ඇගේ මුහුණ මතට වේගයෙන් වැටෙන ඔහුගේ හුස්මෙහි සුවඳය. මත් වීලාක් මෙන් ඇය කම්ඹිලි දෙසම බලා උන්නාය.
පිච්චිගේ සිතුවිලි දැන වුන් කම්බිලි ඔහුගේ ශක්තිමත් වම් අත පිච්චිගේ බඳ වටා යවා තදින් ඇයව තමාගේ සිරුරට තද කරගෙන ඇගේ උරහිසේ සිට ගෙල දිගේ කන දක්වාම තදින් සිපගන්නට විය. එක් ක්ෂණයෙන් ඇගේ සිරුරෙහි හිරිගඬු පිපීමට තරම් ඉහළට ගත් හුස්ම නැවතීමට තරම් කම්බිලිගේ ඒ සිපගැනීම ප්‍රහල විය. පිච්චි තවත් තදින් දෑස් වසා ගත්තේ ඔහුගේ ඒ උණුසුම ඇයට තව තවත් විඳීමට ඇවැසි වූ නිසාවෙනි. ඔහුගේ දිගැටි ඇඟිලි පිච්චිගෙ ගත පුරා සිතුවම් අඳිද්දී කම්බිලි බලා වුන්නේ දෑස් වසාගෙන තදින් හුස්ම ගන්නා ඇය දෙසය. හිතයි ගතයි දෙකම ඇවිලුනු ගැහැනියක් මත් කිරීම කොහොමටත් පිරිමියෙකුට එතරම් අපහසු දෙයක් නොවේය. තිස් තුන් අවුරුද්දට ගිණිය නොහැකි තරමට ගැහැණුන්ගේ පහස විඳි කම්බිලිට මදයෙන් ඇවිස්සී ඇවිලී හුන් පිච්චිව තමාට නතු කරගැනීමට අමුතුවෙන් වෙහෙස වීමට වුවමනා වූයේ නැත


මේක පුංචි ලැවෙන්ඩර් මල් පෙත්තක් ගැන හරි ලස්සන කතාවක්…


හේස්ලි ලැවෙන්ඩර් ස්කයිලර්… සරලවම, මගේ නමේ තේරුම “හේසල් දුබුරු පාට ඇස් තියෙන, ලැවෙන්ඩර් පුසුඹැති පුංචි දැරිවිය” කියන එක…


මේක ඔයාලා කවදාවත්ම අත්විදලා නැති විදිහේ හරිම ලස්සන, හුදෙකලා කදුකර නිම්නයක් පුරාවටම දග කරපු චුටි ගෑනු ළමයෙකුගේ පටන් බෘනට් පාට කොන්ඩ කැරලි තිබුනු ලස්සන චෙරි රෝසපාට තරුණ ගෑනු ළමයෙක් වෙනකල් එයා අත්විදපු සුන්දරම මතකයන් ගැන අපුරු කතාවක්..


දැනෙන උණුහුමට වඩා ….,නොදැනෙන උණුහුම ප්‍රබලයි…,ලගින් ඉදන් බලගන්නවට වඩා ,දුරින් ඉදන් බලාගැනීම ප්‍රේමනියයි..

කොටින්ම කසිප්පුවලට වඩා වොඩ්කා මාරයි…!

1932 Under the Shades of Himalayas

සිදත් යුරෝපයට සංක්‍රමණය වීමෙන් පස්වසක් ඉක්මගොස් ඇති සමය… බ්ලැක්වුඩ් බංගලාවේ සැරිසරන අද්භූත සුදු තරුණියකගේ ආත්මයක්…
ඇය විසින් රුධිරයෙන් තබන ලද සටහනක්…
යුරෝපයට වී දුක්ඛිත ජීවිතයක් ගතකරමින් සිටින සිදත්, එම තරුණිය පිළිබඳ සෙවීමට සිය ප්‍රාණසම සගයා වූ සේනකද සමඟින් ලංකාවට පැමිණෙයි.
ඇගේ ආත්මය එතැනින් ඔවුන්ව කැඳවන්නේ නිරන්තර මිහිදුමෙන් පිරුණු අත්‍යාලංකාර උත්තර භාරතීය හිමාචල් ප්‍රදේශ් කඳුකරයටයි.
බිහිසුණු මායාකර්මයන්, සාම්ප්‍රදායික ඉන්දියානු ගැමි විශ්වාසයන් සහ ආත්මගත වෛරයෙන් දැවෙන බිහිසුණු ආත්මයන් සමඟින් ගැටෙන සිදත් සහ සේනක අවසානයේ සොයාගන්නේ කිනම් අබිරහසක්ද?

The Binding

Emmett Farmer is a binder’s apprentice. His job is to hand-craft beautiful books and, within each, to capture something unique and extraordinary: a memory.
If you have something you want to forget, or a secret to hide, he can bind it – and you will never have to remember the pain it caused.
In a vault under his mentor’s workshop, row upon row of books – and secrets – are meticulously stored and recorded.
Then one day Emmett makes an astonishing discovery: one of the volumes has his name on it.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid No Brainer

Up until now, middle school hasn’t exactly been a joyride for Greg Heffley. So when the town threatens to close the crumbling building, he’s not too broken up about it.But when Greg realizes this means he’s going to be sent to a different school than his best friend, Rowley Jefferson, he changes his tune. Can Greg and his classmates save their school before it’s shuttered for good? Or is this the start of a whole new chapter for Greg?


මගේ හදවතේ කුටීර හතරම එකවර ආදරෙන් පිරුණම මට පුළුවන් දෙපාරක් ආදරය කරන්න.
”ඒ කියන්නේ ඔයාට එකවර දෙන්නෙකුට ආදරය කරන්න පුළුවන් ද?”
”නෑ මට එක්කෙනෙකුට දෙපාරක් ආදරය කරන්න පුළුවන්.”
”ඒ කොහොමද?”
”ඒ එයා හොඳම කෙනා වෙලා ඉන්නකොට වගේම එයා නරකම කෙනා වෙලා ඉන්නකොට.”

Girl, Wash Your Face

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With wry wit and hard-earned wisdom, popular online personality and founder of The ChicS founder Rachel Hollis helps readers break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled and exuberant life they are meant to have.Founder of the lifestyle website The ChicS and CEO of her own media company, Chic Media, Rachel Hollis has created an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of fans by sharing tips for living a better life while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own. Now comes her highly anticipated first book featuring her signature combination of honesty, humor, and direct, no-nonsense advice.Each chapter of Girl, Wash Your Face begins with a specific lie Hollis once believed that left her feeling overwhelmed, unworthy, or ready to give up. As a working mother, a former foster parent, and a woman who has dealt with insecurities about her body and relationships, she speaks with the insight and kindness of a BFF, helping women unpack the limiting mind sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.From her temporary obsession with marrying Matt Damon to a daydream involving hypnotic iguanas to her son’s request that she buy a necklace to “be like the other moms,” Hollis holds nothing back. With unflinching faith and tenacity, Hollis spurs other women to live with passion and hustle and to awaken their slumbering goals.

Forget me not | මල් කිණිත්තක පුරාවෘත්තය

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     බිඳුණු මිනිස්සුන්ට ආදරය කරන එක කොහෙත්ම ලේසි නෑ යුමී සං. කැබලි වෙච්ච ඔවුන්ව තදින් වැළඳගත යුතු වෙනවා. මෘදු නමුත් ස්ථිර ප්‍රේමයකින්. එත් ඒ තියුණු දාර සහිත බිඳුණු කැබලි, වැළඳගන්නා ආදරණීයයාව රිදවනවා. ඔහුවත් කපා දමනවා. මට හොඳටම විශ්වාසයි, “ආදරය කියන්නේ කැප කිරීමක් වග කියන්නට ඇත්තේ, මේ ලෝකයේ මුල් වතාවට බිඳුණු ගැහැණියකට ආදරය කරපු කරුණාවන්ත ඇහිපිය ඇති පිරිමියෙක්. කැබැලි වුණු පිරිමියෙකුට ප්‍රේම කළ විශාල හදවතක් ඇති ගැහැණියක්.
ඕල්යා, විශ්වය කෙළවර තිබෙන්නේ වසන්තයේදී මල්බර වෙන වෙරි ගස් කීපයක් සහ සරත් කාලයේදී කොළ හැලෙන මේපල් තුරු කීපයක් බවයි මගේ විශ්වාසය. එහෙම විශ්වාසයකින් කාටවත් හානි වෙන්නේ නෑ. කුමන ඍතුවකදී වුණත් එතැන ඉතාම අලංකාර ඇති. මම ඔයාට එවන කොණ්ඩා කූර අයිති සචිකො සංට. ඒ අගිස්සේ – ප්ලාස්ටික් පබලු කීපයක් උණු කිරීමෙන් – වෙරි මල් කිණිත්තක් දැවටුවේ මං. ඒවා නෙලාගත්තේ විශ්වය කෙළවර ඇති ගසකින්. රතු මේපල් කොළ ඔයාට ඊළඟ සරත් කාලයේදී ලැබේවී!

අයිස් හන්ට් – Ice Hunt

පෘථිවියේ උත්තර ධ්‍රැවයේ අයිස් වැස්ම තුළ වැළලුණු, අමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදය මෙන් දෙගුණයක් තරම් විශාල පාවෙන අයිස් දූපතක් හාරා කළ රහසිගත විද්‍යාගාරයකි, ග්‍රෙන්ඩල් අයිස් නැවතුම’. සෝවියට් සංගමය සමයේ ව්ලැව්ලැඩ්මීර් පෙට්කොෆ් නමැති විද්‍යාඥයෙක් ජීවිතයත් මරණයත් අතර රැහැන බොඳ කර, සදාකාලික ජීවය අත්කර ගැනීමේ අද්විතීය පරීක්ෂණයක නිරත වෙයි.එහෙත් මේ විද්‍යාඥයා ඇතුළු සෙසු පිරිස සමඟ හදිසියේ අතුරුදන් වන ග්‍රෙන්ඩල් අයිස් නැවතුම වසර හැත්තෑවකට පසු අහම්බෙන් මෙන් සොයාගනු ලබන්නේ, ‘පෝලා සෙන්ටිනල්’ නම් අමෙරිකානු සබ්මැරීනය විසිනි. එහි දී ඔවුන්ට මේ සැඟවුණු විද්‍යාගාරය තුළ තවමත් ජීවය පවතින යමක් නිරීක්ෂණය වෙයි. මේ අතර තම පියාගේ පරීක්ෂණ ප්‍රතිඵල සියතට ගැනීමට වෙහෙසෙන ව්ලැඩ්මීර් පෙට්කොෆ්ගේ පුත් අද්මිරාල් වික්ටර් පෙට්කොෆ් අයිස් නැවතුම සොයා එයි. තම පියාගේ නිධානය ලබාගෙන, අයිස් නැවතුම ඇතුළු උත්තර ධ්‍රැවය විනාශ කිරීම ඔහුගේ අරමුණයි. අයිස් නැවතුමේ බිත්ති අතර සිරවුණු අබිරහස සොයා එන අමෙරිකානුවන් සහ රුසියානු හමුදාව අතර මාරක සටන ඇරඹෙනුයේ එතැන් සිටයි.



Hello Beautiful

William Waters grew up in a house silenced by tragedy, where his parents could hardly bear to look at him, much less love him. So it’s a relief when his skill on the basketball court earns him a scholarship to college, far away from his childhood home. He soon meets Julia Padavano, a spirited and ambitious young woman who surprises William with her appreciation of his quiet steadiness. With Julia comes her family; she is inseparable from her three younger sisters: Sylvie, the dreamer, is happiest with her nose in a book and imagines a future different from the expected path of wife and mother; Cecelia, the family’s artist; and Emeline, who patiently takes care of all of them. Happily, the Padavanos fold Julia’s new boyfriend into their loving, chaotic household.

Mansions Of The Moon

5 ★
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In this sweeping tale, at once epic and intimate, Shyam Selvadurai introduces us to Siddhartha Gautama-who went on to become ‘the enlightened one’-an unusually bright and politically astute young man settling into his upper-caste life after marrying Yasodhara, a woman of great intelligence and spirit. Mansions of the Moon traces the couple’s early love and life together, and then the anguished turmoil that descends upon them both as Siddhartha’s spiritual calling takes over and the marriage partnership slowly, inexorably crumbles.

Drawing on ancient records and historical sources, and weaving it with fiction and mythology, Shyam Selvadurai creates a vivid portrait of Yasodhara, a remarkable woman on a remarkable journey. Mansions of the Moon is an evocative, thought-provoking novel and a must-read for anyone interested in spirituality, mythology and the power of the human spirit.

Skandar and The Unicorn Thief

Skandar Smith has always yearned to leave the Mainland and escape to the secretive Island, where wild unicorns roam free. He’s spent years studying for his Hatchery exam, the annual test that selects a handful of Mainlander thirteen-year-olds to train to become unicorn riders. But on the day of Skandar’s exam, things go horribly wrong, and his hopes are shattered…until a mysterious figure knocks on his door at midnight, bearing a message: the Island is in peril and Skandar must answer its call.
Skandar is thrust into a world of epic sky battles, dangerous clashes with wild unicorns, and rumors of a shadowy villain amassing a unicorn army. And the closer Skandar grows to his newfound friends and community of riders, the harder it becomes to keep his secrets—especially when he discovers their lives may all be in graver danger than he ever imagined.

Too Late

Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does so, every single day. Caught up with the alluring Asa Jackson, a notorious drug trafficker, Sloan has finally found a lifeline to cling to, even if it’s meant compromising her morals. She was in dire straits trying to pay for her brother’s care until she met Asa. But as Sloan became emotionally and economically reliant on him, he in turn developed a disturbing obsession with her—one that becomes increasingly dangerous every day.



Demon Copperhead

Demon Copperhead is a once-in-a-generation novel that breaks and mends your heart in the way only the best fiction can.
Demon’s story begins with his traumatic birth to a single mother in a single-wide trailer, looking ‘like a little blue prizefighter.’ For the life ahead of him he would need all of that fighting spirit, along with buckets of charm, a quick wit, and some unexpected talents, legal and otherwise.
In the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, poverty isn’t an idea, it’s as natural as the grass grows. For a generation growing up in this world, at the heart of the modern opioid crisis, addiction isn’t an abstraction, it’s neighbours, parents, and friends. ‘Family’ could mean love, or reluctant foster care. For Demon, born on the wrong side of luck, the affection and safety he craves is as remote as the ocean he dreams of seeing one day. The wonder is in how far he’s willing to travel to try and get there.
Suffused with truth, anger and compassion, Demon Copperhead is an epic tale of love, loss and everything in between.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods

The original heroes from The Lightning Thief are reunited for their biggest challenge yet: getting Percy to college when the gods are standing in his way.

After saving the world multiple times, Percy Jackson is hoping to have a normal senior year. Unfortunately, the gods aren’t quite done with him. Percy will have to fulfil three quests in order to get the necessary three letters of recommendation from Mount Olympus for college.

The first quest is to help Zeus’s cup-bearer retrieve his goblet before it falls into the wrong hands. C an Percy, Grover, and Annabeth find it in time?

Readers new to Percy Jackson and fans who have been awaiting this reunion for more than a decade will delight equally in this latest hilarious take on Greek mythology.

ඝාතකයා නිදැල්ලේ – අබිරහස් කතා එකතුව 01

 එතකොට කෙනඩි මහත්තයා මෙහෙම කිව්වා;
” ඇය අයිති මටයි. ඒ ගැන තමුසෙට මුකුත් කරන්න බෑ”
එතකොට අනිත් මහත්තයා මොකක්ද දන්නවද කිව්වේ?
“මට පුළුවනි උඹව මරන්න. උඹ ඇයට කසාද බැන්දොත්,
මම උඹව මරන්නේ සෙනග ගැවසෙන මහපාර මැද්දේ !”
………………………………………………………………..ක්‍රිස් කෙනඩි ඝාතනය කළ අපරාධකාරයා නිදැල්ලේ සිටීම භයානක තත්වයකි.
මිනිස් ලේ එක්වරක් රස බැලු ව්‍යාඝ්‍රයා එතැනින් නොනවතී යයි කියමනක් ඇත.
මෙවර ඔහු නිර්භයව මරා දැම්මේ බීමතින් සිටි පුද්ගලයෙකි.
ඝාතකයාගේ මීළග ප්‍රහාරය කිසිදු ආරක්ෂාවක් නැති කෙනෙකු
වෙත වීමට ඉඩ තිබේ.

මැයි මාර ප්‍රසංගය

එයා ආපු කෙනා පමණයි. ඉතින් ආපු කෙනා නෙමෙයිද යන්න ඕනි කෙනා? ආපු කෙනා නේන්නම් යන්න ඕනි කෙනා. ඒ හින්දම එයා ඇවිත් ගිය කෙනා. මම හිටපු කෙනා. හිටපු කෙනා තමයි ඉන්න කෙනා වෙන්නෙත්.ඒ හින්ද මං තාමත් ඉන්න කෙනා. ඒත් බැරිවෙලාවත් මං ආපු කෙනා උනානම්,කොහොමටවත් මං ගිය කෙනා වෙන්නෙනම් නෑ. එදාටත් මං ඉන්න කෙනා විතරම යි…’ -මැයි මාර ප්‍රසංගය-

ඒ රූ කාගේද…


බොහෝ පවුල්වලට රහස් ඇත. ඒවා හරියට අල්මාරියක සඟවා ඇති ඇටසැකිලි වැන්න. කවදාවත් කිසිවෙකුත් ඒ ගැන කතා කරන්නෙවත් නැත. ඇතැම්විට ඒ රහස් බොහෝ වේදනාකාරීය. ඒවා කොතරම් ගැඹුරින් වළලා ඇති දැයි කිවහොත්,ඒවා ඒ පවුලේ අයටම අමතකව යයි.

මේ මැන්ඩිගේ කතාවයි. අර්බුදයක් විසින් ඒ රහසෙහි දොර විවර කරන තෙක්ම තම පවුලේ බියකරු රහසේ යතුර ඇත්තේ තමා අත යැයි නොදැන වුන් මැන්ඩිගේ කහතාවයි.

Ninth House


Galaxy “Alex” Stern is the most unlikely member of Yale’s freshman class. Raised in the Los Angeles hinterlands by a hippie mom, Alex dropped out of school early and into a world of shady drug-dealer boyfriends, dead-end jobs, and much, much worse. In fact, by age twenty, she is the sole survivor of a horrific, unsolved multiple homicide. Some might say she’s thrown her life away. But at her hospital bed, Alex is offered a second chance: to attend one of the world’s most prestigious universities on a full ride. What’s the catch, and why her?

Still searching for answers, Alex arrives in New Haven tasked by her mysterious benefactors with monitoring the activities of Yale’s secret societies. Their eight windowless “tombs” are the well-known haunts of the rich and powerful, from high-ranking politicos to Wall Street’s biggest players. But their occult activities are more sinister and more extraordinary than any paranoid imagination might conceive. They tamper with forbidden magic. They raise the dead. And, sometimes, they prey on the living.

බංචි මාරි


දුක යන අදහසට ලිංග භේදයක් නැත.එහෙත් විලි රුදා දුක ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග ය.සියලු පිරිමි දුක් වද වේදනාවන්හි බර ගැහැනු විලි රුදාවට යටත් ය. අඩු කාලයක විශාල තෙරපීමක් සහිත විලි රුදා දුකට වඩා දිගුකාලීන තෙරපීම් සහිත විශ්‍රාමික මිනිස් දුක බලවත් ය. තරුණ අත් සහ තරුණ හිත් නැති විශ්‍රාමිකයෝ නොහැකියාව නිසාම නාකි ය. විශ්‍රාමික දුක නාකි වේදනාව ලෙස නහුතයක් මිනිසුන්ගේ මානසික හා කායික ලෙඩ හෙට්ටු කරන තෙහෙට්ටුවකි. රටක විශ්‍රාමිකයෝ තෙහෙට්ටු පීඩිත වාට්ටුගත ය. කතුවර සිතේ සිහිනයේ පැහැය වූ බාසි විශ්‍රාමික තෙහෙට්ටුවට එරෙහි ව පණ ලැබූ මිනිසෙකි. ඔහු සිහිනයෙන් අවදි වූ සැණින් කිලිටි වන මිනිසෙකි.

May December Romance ( කොළපාට ඇස් )


ආරති දේවි මොහාන්දාස් සහ උපුල් ශාන්ත සන්නස්ගල
විසින් ලියන ලද “MAY DECEMBER ROMANCE” නවකතාව
විවාහක ගෘහනිර්මණ ශිල්පී ආචාර්යවරයෙකු සහ
තරුණ විශ්වවිද්‍යාල සිසුවියක අතර ඇති වන සබඳතාවක්
ප්‍රස්තුත කොට ගත් නවකතාවකි. අතිශය රමණීය
ශෘංගාරාත්මක සිදුවීම් බහුල ප්‍රේමණීය ප්‍රබන්ධයක අලුත්
ආකෘතික සහ සන්දර්භ හැඩයක් මේ නවකතාවෙන්
අත්හදා බැලේ. ලේඛකයෙකු සහ ලේඛිකාවක උත්තම
පුරුෂ සර්වවේදී දෘෂ්ටිකෝණ කථන ක්‍රමය එක මත එක
ගැටෙන්නට සලස්වමින් චිත්තාභ්‍යන්තර ගැටුම් විවරණය
කරන පර්යේෂණාත්මක කෘතියකි.



දඩබ්බර යොවුන් විය විසින් මුරණ්ඩු කළ හිතුවක්කාර තාරුණ්‍යයේ ආවේගශීලීත්වය, අත්දැකීම් හමුවේ හික්මෙන අපූරුව දැක්වෙන නවකතාවකි “මුම්මාරිය”. ආදරය, විරහව, අහිමි වීම, දරාගැනීම මෙන්ම ජීවිතයේ බොහෝ ගැටලුවලට අධිෂ්ඨානශීලීව මුහුණ දෙන තරුණයෙකුගේ ජීවන සුවඳ මේ නවකතාවෙන් ඔබට විඳ ගත හැකිය

The Adventures Of Tintin ( Pack Of 23 Books)


For the first time, you can own all 23 stories in The Adventures of Tintin series in this fantastic boxed set. This is the perfect present for Tintin fans of all ages.

Published to celebrate 90th anniversary of Tintin in 2019.

Stories included in the set:


  • Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
  • Tintin in America
  • Cigars of the Pharaoh
  • The Blue Lotus
  • The Broken Ear
  • The Black Island
  • King Ottokar’s Sceptre
  • The Crab with the Golden Claws
  • The Shooting Star
  • The Secret of the Unicorn
  • Red Rackham’s Treasure
  • The Seven Crystal Balls
  • Prisoners of the Sun
  • Land of Black Gold
  • Destination Moon
  • Explorers on the Moon
  • The Calculus Affair
  • The Red Sea Sharks
  • Tintin in Tibet
  • The Castafiore Emerald
  • Flight 714 to Sydney
  • Tintin and the Picaros
  • Tintin and Alph-Art


The Ram Chandra Series Box Set


The complete Ram Chandra series by Amish Tripathi. Include: 1) Ram – Scion of Ikshvaku. 2) Sita: Warrior of Mithila. 3) Raavan: Enemy of Aryavarta. 4) War of Lanka The second-fastest selling series in Indian publishing history.

War of Lanka


Greed. Rage. Grief. Love. Smouldering tinder, waiting to trigger a war. But this war is different. This one is for Dharma. This war is for the greatest Goddess of them all. Sita has been kidnapped. Defiantly, she dares Raavan to kill her – she’d rather die than allow Ram to surrender. Ram is beside himself with grief and rage. He prepares for war. Fury is his fuel. Calm focus, his guide. Raavan thought he was invincible. He thought he’d negotiate and force a surrender. Little did he know … The first three books of the second-fastest-selling book series in Indian publishing history – the Ram Chandra Series – explore the individual journeys of Ram, Sita and Raavan. In this, the epic fourth book of the series, their narrative strands crash into each other, and explode in a slaughterous war. Will Ram defeat the ruthless and fiendish Raavan, constrained as he is by the laws of Dharma? Will Lanka burn to a cinder or fight back like a cornered tiger? Will the terrible costs of war be worth the victory? Most importantly, will the Vishnu rise? And will the real enemies of the land fear the Vishnu? For fear is the mother of love.

Raavan: Enemy Of Aryavarta


A land in tumult, poverty and chaos. Most people suffer quietly. A few rebel. Some fight for a better world. Some for themselves. Some don?t give a damn. Raavan. Fathered by one of the

most illustrious sages of the time. Blessed by the Gods with talents beyond all. Cursed by fate to be tested to the extremes.

A formidable teenage pirate, he is filled with equal parts courage, cruelty and fearsome resolve. A resolve to be a giant among men, to conquer, plunder, and seize the greatness that he thinks is his right.

A man of contrasts, of brutal violence and scholarly knowledge. A man who will love without reward and kill without remorse.

This exhilarating third book of the Ram Chandra series sheds light on Raavan, the king of Lanka. And the light shines on darkness of the darkest kind. Is he the greatest villain in history or just a man in a dark place, all the time?

An American Marriage


Newlyweds Celestial and Roy are the embodiment of both the American Dream and the New South. He is a young executive, and she is an artist on the brink of an exciting career. But as they settle into the routine of their life together, they are ripped apart by circumstances neither could have imagined. Roy is arrested and sentenced to twelve years for a crime Celestial knows he didnt commit. Though fiercely independent, Celestial finds herself bereft and unmoored, taking comfort in Andre, her childhood friend, and best man at their wedding. As Roys time in prison passes, she is unable to hold on to the love that has been her centre. After five years,Roys conviction is suddenly overturned, and he returns to Atlanta ready to resume their life together. This stirring love story is a profoundly insightful look into the hearts and minds of three people who are at once bound and separated by forces beyond their control. An American Marriage is a masterpiece of storytelling, an intimate look deep into the souls of people who must reckon with the past while moving forward with hope and pain into the future.

The Magician’s Nephew


For the first time, an edition of Lewis’s classic fantasy fiction packaged specifically for adults. Complementing the look of the author’s non-fiction books, and anticipating the forthcoming Narnia feature films, this edition contains an exclusive “P.S.” section about the history of the book, plus a sample chapter from its sequel.

Written after The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe but designed by C.S.Lewis to be read first, this enchanting prequel – with its story of time travel, sorcery and magic rings – is essential reading for anyone who wants to learn the backstory to the biggest movie release of the year. Hurled back in time to the birth of a new world, two young friends get caught in the epic struggle between Aslan and his nemesis the White Witch.

Worlds Worst Children 2


The Worlds Worst Children 2 is a side-splitting companion to Davids blockbuster hit, The Worlds Worst Children, and the perfect gift for kids aged 9 and up.



‘We desperately need your help Holly. Were running out of ideas and…’ she takes a breath in as if Summoning the energy, ‘all of us are running out of time.’ when Holly Kennedy is approached by a group calling themselves the PS, I love you club, her safe existence is turned on its head. Inspired by hearing about her late husband Gerry’s letters, the club wants Holly to help them with their own parting messages for their loved ones to discover after they’ve gone. Holly is sure of one thing – no way is she being dragged back to the grief she has left behind. It’s taken seven years to reinvent herself, and she’s ready to move on with her life. But Holly comes to realize that when you love someone, there’s always one more thing to say.

The Zahir


One day a renowned author discovers that his wife, a war correspondent, has disappeared leaving no trace. Though time brings more success and new love, he remains mystified – and increasingly fascinated – by her absence. Was she kidnapped, blackmailed, or simply bored with their marriage? The unrest she causes is as strong as the attraction she exerts.

His search for her – and for the truth of his own life – takes him from France to Spain, Croatia and, eventually, the bleakly beautiful landscape of Central Asia. More than that, it takes him from the safety of his world to a totally unknown path, searching for a new understanding of the nature of love and the power of destiny.

Mega Monster


The new children’s book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams – a timeless adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross.

On a volcanic island, in the middle of shark-infested waters, stands The Cruel School. The lessons are appalling, the school dinners are revolting and the teachers are terrifying – especially the mysterious Science teacher Doctor Doktur.

When Larker is sent to the school, she quickly realizes something very odd is going on… something involving Doctor Doktur, a pair of strange spectacles, and a ‘Monsterfication Machine’. And ultimately she finds herself face to face with a real life Megamonster.

There seems to be no escape – but for Larker, nothing is impossible…



Ratburger The fifth screamingly funny novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing childrens author in the country. Hot on the heels of bestselling Gangsta Granny comes another hilarious, action-packed and touching novel – the story of a little girl called Zoe. Things are not looking good for Zoe. Her stepmother Sheila is so lazy she gets Zoe to pick her nose for her. The school bully Tina Trotts makes her life a misery – mainly by flobbing on her head. And now the evil Burt from Burts Burgers is after her pet rat! And guess what he wants to do with

The Vanishing Stair


The truly devious case an unsolved kidnapping and Triple murder that rocked Ellingham Academy in 1936 has consumed Stevie Bell for years. It s the very reason she came to the Academy. But then her classmate Hayes major was murdered, and though she was able to identify his killer, her parents quickly pull her out of school. For her safety, they say. She must move past this obsession with crime. Stevie s willing to do anything to get back to Ellingham, be back with her friends, and solve the truly devious case. Even if it means making a deal with the despicable senator Edward king. And when Stevie finally returns, she also returns to David: the guy she kissed, the guy who lied about his identity Edward king s son. But larger issues are at play. Where did Hayes s murderer hide away to? What s the meaning of the riddle Albert Ellingham left behind? And what, exactly, is at stake in the truly devious affair? The Ellingham case isn’t just a piece of historicity a live wire into the present. The path to truth has more twists and turns than Stevie can imagine, and moving forward involves hurting someone she cares for.

Cilka’s Journey


Her Beauty Saved Her Life – And Condemned Her. In 1942 Cilka Klein Is Just Sixteen Years Old When She Is Taken To Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. The Commandant At Birkenau, Schwarzhuber, Notices Her Long Beautiful Hair, And Forces Her Separation From The Other Women Prisoners. Cilka Learns Quickly That Power, Even Unwillingly Given, Equals Survival. After Liberation, Cilka Is Charged As A Collaborator By The Russians And Sent To A Desolate, Brutal Prison Camp In Siberia Known As Vorkuta, Inside The Arctic Circle. Innocent And Imprisoned Once Again, Cilka Faces Challenges Both New And Horribly Familiar, Each Day A Battle For Survival. Cilka Befriends A Woman Doctor, And Learns To Nurse The Ill In The Camp, Struggling To Care For Them Under Unimaginable Conditions. And When She Tends To A Man Called Alexander, Cilka Finds That Despite Everything, There Is Room In Her Heart For Love. Based On What Is Known Of Cilka Klein’S Time In Auschwitz, And On The Experience Of Women In Siberian Prison Camps, Cilka’S Journey Is The Breath-Taking Sequel To The Tattooist Of Auschwitz. A Powerful Testament To The Triumph Of The Human Will, This Novel Will Make You Weep, But It Will Also Leave You Astonished And Uplifted By One Woman’S Fierce Determination To Survive, Against All Odds.

Sita: Warrior Of Mithila (Ram Chandra Series Book 2)


India, 3400 BCE. India is beset with divisions, resentment and poverty. The people hate their rulers. They despise their corrupt and selfish elite. Chaos is just one spark away. Outsiders exploit these divisions. Raavan, the demon king of Lanka, grows increasingly powerful, sinking his fangs deeper into the hapless Sapt Sindhu. Two powerful tribes, the protectors of the divine land of India, decide that enough is

enough. A saviour is needed. They begin their search. An abandoned baby is found in a field. Protected by a vulture from a pack of murderous wolves. She is adopted by the ruler of Mithila, a powerless kingdom, ignored by all. Nobody believes this child will amount to much. But they are wrong. For she is no ordinary girl. She is Sita. Continue the epic journey with Amish’s latest: A thrilling adventure that chronicles the rise of an orphan, who became the prime minister. And then, a Goddess. This is the second book in the Ram Chandra Series. A sequel that takes you back. Back before the beginning.

The Thirteen Problems


One Tuesday evening a group gathers at Miss Marple’s house and the conversation turns to unsolved crimes…

The case of the disappearing bloodstains; the thief who committed his crime twice over; the message on the death-bed of a poisoned man which read ‘heap of fish’; the strange case of the invisible will; a spiritualist who warned that ‘Blue Geranium’ meant death…

Now pit your wits against the powers of deduction of the ‘Tuesday Night Club’.

The Hypnotist


He will trap you in a world of terror the ground-breaking first novel in the bestselling Joona Linna thriller series. Perfect for fans of Jo Nesbo.A traumatised witness Karolinska hospital, Stockholm. Detective inspector Joona Linna is faced with a boy who witnessed the gruesome murder of his family. Hes suffered more than one hundred knife wounds and is comatose with shock.A disgraced detective Linnas running out of time. The police do not want him on the case. The Killers on the run and there are seemingly no clues. Desperate for information, Linna enlists specialist Dr. Erik Maria bark, a hypnotist who vowed never to practise again.A devastating case as the hypnosis begins, a long and terrifying chain of events unfurls with reverberations far beyond Linnas case.



The sixth gripping thriller in Lars Kepler’s bestselling series featuring Joona Linna. Perfect for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.
There’s a face at the window.
A masked stranger stands in the shadow of a garden, watching his first victim through the window. He will kill him slowly – play him a nursery rhyme – make him pay.

A killer in your house.
The police offer ex-Detective Joona Linna a chance to clear his name: help Superintendent Saga Bauer track down the vicious killer terrorising Stockholm, before he strikes again.

Only one man can stop him.
Now Joona stands between a disturbed predator and its prey. He must catch a killer who hunts in the shadows and who is dangerously close to losing control…

Happily Ever After


Meet Prince Maxon before he fell in love with America, and a girl named Amberly before she became queen. See the Selection through the eyes of a guard who watched his first love drift away and a girl who fell for a boy who wasn’t the prince.

The School for Good and Evil


Two best friends have been chosen to be students at the fabled School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to be fairy-tale heroes and villains. One will train for Good, one will become Evil’s new hope. Each thinks they know where they belong, but when they are swept into the Endless Woods, they’re switched into the opposite schools. Together they’ll discover who they really are and what they are capable of. . . because the only way out of a fairy tale is to live through it.



Trees can’t tell jokes, but they can certainly tell stories…

Red is an oak tree who is many rings old. Red is the neighbourhood wishtree – people write their wishes on pieces of cloth and tie them to Red’s branches. Along with a crow named Bongo and other animals who seek refuge in Red’s hollows, this wishtree watches over the neighbourhood.

You might say Red has seen it all.

Until a new family moves in. Not everyone is welcoming, and Red’s experience as a wishtree is more important than ever.

Funny, deep, warm, and nuanced, this is Katherine Applegate at her very best – writing from the heart, and from a completely unexpected point of view.

The Queen Of Nothing


The finale to the New York Times bestselling Folk of Air trilogy, that started with The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King, from award-winning author Holly Black.

After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watches her fair share of reality television, and does the odd job or two, including trying to convince a cannibalistic faerie from hunting her own in the mortal world.

When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking of a favor, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal.

When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and uncover how to break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world.

The Wicked King


Second in the bestselling Folk of the Air trilogy. This novel and the sequel The Queen of Nothing – are the winners of/won the Goodreads YA Best Fantasy in 2019 and 2020.

I have heard that for mortals, the feeling of falling in love is very like the feeling of fear.

Jude has tricked Cardan onto the throne, binding him to her for a year and a day. But the new High King does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her, even as his fascination with her remains undimmed. Meanwhile, a traitor in the court is scheming against her. Jude must fight for her life and the lives of those she loves, all while battling her own complicated feelings for Cardan. Now a year and a day seems like no time at all . . .

ශේෂ කදු


ගැහැණුන් ප්‍රේමයෙන් ආතුර වෙයි… අත ඇරෙන තැනත් මඟ ඇරෙන තැනත් ගැහැනිය බලා හිදින්නේය.. ප්‍රේමයේ නාමයෙන්ම මනස ව්‍යාකූල කර ගන්නේය.. තමන් තුළම තමන්ව හඳුනා ගන්නට නොහැකි වන්නේය. තමන් තුළම ආත්ම කිහිපයක් ජීවත් කරමින් ප්‍රේමය ජීවත් කරවන්නේය. ගැහැනුන් එසේය. ප්‍රේමය මායාවක්ව අදහන්නෙ එහෙව් ගැහැනුන්ය.

The Cruel Prince


Of course I want to be like them. They’re beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever . . . And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.

One terrible morning, Jude and her sisters see their parents murdered in front of them. The terrifying assassin abducts all three girls to the world of Faerie, where Jude is installed in the royal court but mocked and tormented by the Faerie royalty for being mortal. As Jude grows older, she realises that she will need to take part in the dangerous deceptions of the fey to ever truly belong. But the stairway to power is fraught with shadows and betrayal. And looming over all is the infuriating, arrogant and charismatic Prince Cardan . . .



“ඇයි තමුසෙ කිව්වේ හිනාවෙන්න හේතු හදන්න කියලා. ඉතින් මම හේතු හදනවා දැන් තමුසෙ හිනා වෙනවා.”

“මම දැන් සර්ට ආදරේ නෑ”.

“ම් හරි”

ඔහු පැවසුයේ පෙර මුහුණේ ඇඳෙන සිනහව අතුරුදහන් නොකරය.

“ඇයි සර් හිනාවෙන්නෙ”.

“මට ආදරේ හිතුනොත් දිගැසි මට තමුසෙ ආදරෙයිද නැද්ද කියන එක ප්‍රශ්නයක් නෙමෙයි මම ආදරේ කරනවා… ඒ මගෙ හැටි”



This distinctive edition of the third book in Veronica Roth’s Divergent series features cover artwork from the major motion picture The Divergent Series: Allegiant, starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, and Ansel Elgort.



“ඔයාට බොහොම ස්තුතියි, මෙච්චර කාලයක් මට දක්වපු හිතවත්කමට. අපි හමුවෙන අන්තිම වතාව තමයි මේ”.

මේක අපි දෙන්නගෙම අවාසනාව. මීට පස්සෙ මං පාරෙ යන කොට පේන්න ඉඳලා මගේ ඔළුව අවුල් කරන්න එපා.

මාත් එක්ක කතා කරන්න පණිවුඩකාරයෝ එවන්නත් එපා. තැපැල් කන්තොරුවට ආවම ගැසට් එක වෙන කාගෙන් හරි ඉල්ල ගන්න.

එහාට එන්න එපා කියන්න මට අයිතියක් නෑ නේ. මට දුකයි මේ විදියට කතා කරන්න වීම ගැන.

“මට සමාවෙන්න. ඔයාගෙ ජීවිතේ වාසනාවන්ත වේවා කියල මම ප්‍රාර්ථ්නා කරනවා.”………..

පියතිලක මගෙන් වෙන් වූ දා ගලා නොගොස් ඉතිරි වූ කඳුළුයි අද මේ ගලා යන්නෙ.
මේ ලිපිය ලිවීමෙන් පසු මගේ සිත යළිත් සන්සුන් වේවි.



“උත්තර දීපන්. කාලකණ්ණි ජරා ගෑනි. උඹ මගේ සොහොයුරිය විකුණුවා ද?”

“මැඩම් පියවරක් ආපස්සට තැබුවා ය. ඇගේ ලිපිය සෝපානයේ පාමුලට වැටුණි. “මා ළඟට එන්න එපා. මුළුතැන්ගෙට පලයන්”.

“රූත්ගේ වයස අවුරුදු පහයි. ඇය පුංචි බබෙක්. මට හොරෙන් ඇය විකුණුවා නේද?”.

ඇගේ දෑත් වෙවුලන බව පෙනිණි. කවුළුව අතරින් ගෙතුළට විහිදුණු හිරුඑළිය රෝස පැහැති විය. මම තවත් පියවරක් ඉදිරියට තැබූ විට, ඇයව අතින් ඇල්ලීමට තරම් ළං වීමි.

“ඉසබෙල්! ඉසබෙල්! ” බෙකී යළිත් කෑගැසුවා ය”.

Manuscript Found In Accra

About The BookThe Manuscript Found in Accra is about an ancient manuscript, almost around 700 years old. The book is a narrated by an English man who translates the document, which was first found in Cairo. Brimming with knowledge, the manuscript was recorded by a wise man who was always present around the Copt. The Manuscript Found in Accra goes back to the time of the invasion of Jerusalem by European crusaders. The wise man is there to answer all the questions asked by the locals of Jerusalem, as they gathered around the Copt who are threatened by the invaders. The Copt, in return, offers comfort and hope to the people around him. He asks the people to concentrate on everyday life, asking what bothers them and what will bother them even after the invaders leave. The Manuscript Found in Accra is a set of questions and answers about love, loyalty, fear, loss, courage, anxiety, miracles, beauty, solitude, success and all the related emotional difficulties faced by people. The book was published in 2013 and is available in paperback.

The Witness For The Prosecution And Other Stories

Short story The Witness for the Prosecution is based in 1920s London where a murder, brutal and bloodthirsty, has stained the plush carpets of a handsome London townhouse. The victim is the glamorous Emily French. All the evidence points to Leonard Vole, a young chancer to whom the heiress left her vast fortune and who ruthlessly took her life. At least, this is the story that Emily’s dedicated housekeeper Janet Mackenzie stands by in court. Leonard however, is adamant that his partner, the enigmatic chorus girl Romaine, can prove his innocence.


Another stunning novel by the author of The Alchemist.Aleph marks a return to Paulo Coelho’s beginnings. In a frank and surprising personal story, one of the world’s most beloved authors embarks on a remarkable and transformative journey of self-discovery.Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and the world. On this journey through Europe, Africa, and Asia, he will again meet Hilal―the woman he loved 500 years before―an encounter that will initiate a mystical voyage through time and space, through past and present, in search of himself.Aleph is an encounter with our fears and our sins; a search for love and forgiveness, and the courage to confront the inevitable challenges of life.

Murder On The Orient Express

The most widely read mystery of all time. Now a major motion picture directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh.

“The murderer is with us–on the train now . . .”

Just after midnight, the famous Orient Express is stopped in its tracks by a snowdrift. By morning, the millionaire Samuel Edward Ratchett lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Without a shred of doubt, one of his fellow passengers is the murderer.

Isolated by the storm, detective Hercule Poirot must find the killer among a dozen of the dead man’s enemies, before the murderer decides to strike again.

This edition includes a photo insert of images from the film.

Manual Of The Warrior Of Light

Warrior of the Light is a timeless and inspirational companion to The Alchemist—an international bestseller that has beguiled millions of readers around the world. Every short passage invites us to live out our dreams, to embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to our own unique destiny. In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho helps bring out the Warrior of the Light within each of us. He shows readers how to embark upon the way of the Warrior: the one who appreciates the miracle of being alive, the one who accepts failure, and the one whose quest leads to fulfillment and joy.

The Winner Stands Alone

In The Winner Stands Alone, Paulo Coelho takes us to the Cannes Film Festival, where the so-called superclass—those who have made it in the dreammaker’s world of fashion and cinema—gathers. At stake are money, power, and fame—things that most people are prepared to do anything to keep.

At this modern vanity fair we meet Igor, a Russian millionaire; Middle Eastern fashion czar Hamid; American actress Gabriela, eager to land a lead role; ambitious criminal detective Savoy, hoping to resolve the case of his life; and Jasmine, a woman on the brink of a successful modeling career.

Who will succeed in identifying his or her own personal dream among the many prefabricated ones—and succeed in making it come true?

The Devil And Miss Prym

“The Devil and Miss Prym is a simple tale, with the meaning of life and spiritual guidance at its core.”

— The Guardian

A community divided by greed, cowardice, and fear. A man haunted by the ghost of a painful past. A young woman in search of happiness. Seven days, a short period during which good and evil will wage a decisive battle, and each character will decide on which of the two sides they belong. The small village of Viscos is the setting for this disturbing fight. With the arrival of a foreigner, the entire town becomes an accomplice in a perverse plot that will forever mark the history of its inhabitants.

The foreigner has traveled from far away and needs to find the answer to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? At once an evocative novel and a suspenseful page-turner, The Devil and Miss Prym captures one moment in our eternal struggle for self-knowledge, asking a question that all of us have stopped to reflect on at some point: What is the essence of the human being?


New York Times Bestseller

“In Brida, my third novel, which I wrote just after The Alchemist, I tell the story of a young woman who dives into sorcery and her experiences with different magical traditions. I explore many themes that are dear to me, such as the Great Mother, pagan religions, and the perceptions of love.”

— Paulo Coelho

This is the spellbinding tale of Brida, a beautiful young Irish woman, and her quest for knowledge. On her journey, she meets a wise man who teaches her about overcoming her fears, and a woman who teaches her ancient rituals. They see in her a gift, but must let Brida make her own voyage of discovery.

Like The Flowing River


A breathtaking collection of reflections from one of the world’s best loved storytellers, Paulo Coelho.In this riveting collection of thoughts and stories, Paulo Coelho, the author of ‘The Alchemist’, offers his personal reflections on a wide range of subjects from archery and music to elegance, traveling and the nature of good and evil.An old woman explains to her grandson how a mere pencil can show him the path to happiness…. instructions on how to climb a mountain reveal the secret to making your dreams a reality…the story of Ghengis Khan and the Falcon that teaches about the folly of anger – and the art of friendship…a pianist who performs an example in fulfilling your destiny…the author learns three important lessons when he goes to the rescue of a man in the street – Paulo shows us how life has lessons for us in the greatest, smallest and most unusual of experiences.‘Like the Flowing River’ includes jewel-like fables, packed with meaning and retold in Coelho’s inimitable style. Sharing his thoughts on spirituality, life and ethics, Paulo touches you with his philosophy and invites you to go on an exciting journey of your own.

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